
Karinthy et al on the Literature Map

I found an unusual web site:

Literature Map - The Tourist Map of Literature

You type in an author, and if it is in the database, the site yields a map of other authors you might like.

So I typed in some of my favorite Hungarian authors, most of whom are not in the database, and then a few of my favorite Eastern European dystopian authors.

Frigyes Karinthy yields Franz Kafka, J. M. Coetzee, Ivan Goncharov , George Orwell, John Williams.

Dezsõ Kosztolányi: Thomas Mann, Viktor Pelevin, Chekhov, Anais Nin, Italo Calvino, Kurt Vonnegut, et al, and without the accent marks: Franz Kafka, Georges Perec.

Miklos Banffy: Heinrich Heine, Shakespeare, Descartes, Goethe, Willa Cather, Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte, Emily Bronte, Harper Lee, Per Pettersen.

Istvan Örkeny yields Joseph Heller, Louis-Ferdinand Celine, John Edward Williams, Samuel Beckett.

Karel Čapek with the accent, gives me Vaclav Havel and George Orwell; without the accent, Bob Dylan, John Lennon, George Harrison, and farther away, a whole bunch of writers.

How could Yevgeny Zamyatin possibly give me Margaret Mitchell or Henry Kissinger? Along with real writers.

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