
Jorge Luis Borges 112-jara & Google

Jen la hodiaŭa "doodle" de retserĉilo Google honore al argentina verkisto Jorge Luis Borges (24 aŭgusto 1899 – 14 junio 1986) okaze de ties naskiĝtago, la 112a datreveno. Se vi alklakos la imagon, vi atingos paĝojn da retligoj al anglalingva materialo pri Borges.

Oni raportas pri la afero anglalingve kaj sendube alilingve. Kiu raportas en Esperanto?

Pro trovi verkojn de kaj pri Borges en Esperanto, vi trovos informojn kaj retligojn ĉi-bloge, kaj ankaŭ ĉe mia retgvidilo:

Jorge Luis Borges: Selected Study Materials on the Web


Parley Parker Christensen: presidential candidate for Esperanto

Dankon al Neil Blonstein: "En la jaro 1920 la Senatano Parley Parker Christiansen, instruisto de Esperanto, vic-prezidanto de Esperanto Asocio de Norda Ameriko ricevis 265,000 voĉ-donoj kiel kandidato de Usona Prezidenteco. Li estis filo de danaj emigrantoj, estro de Farmista Partio. Vikipedio konfirmas la raporton de Nacia Publika Radio."

 The 5 Most Unusual Nominees For President. Ever. : NPR

"Parley Parker Christensen of the Farmer-Labor Party ran for president in 1920 against Republican Warren G. Harding and Democrat James Cox." Christensen "was a proponent of Esperanto, the universal language, and "he had a penchant for appearing each day in a crisp, white linen suit — no small feat in Chicago in July," Sillito says. As a presidential candidate, Christensen pushed an advanced agenda, including recognition of the Soviet Union, women's suffrage and civil rights for black Americans." And there's more.

You can find more information in Wikipedia. Vi trovos iometan informaron en Vikipedio.

Information about Christensen can be found on several web sites, e.g.:

Our Campaigns - Candidate - Parley Parker Christensen


Prairie Breeze: "Esperanto"

Jen komponaĵo "Esperanto" por piano de "Prairie Breeze" (Janet Wohlgemut). Mi ne trovis aliajn indikojn pri ia konekso inter S-ino Wohlgemut kaj Esperanto.


Ars combinatoria, Ramón Llull, Leibniz: reminder / rememorigo

This is a reminder that my documentation of this subject matter is to be found in a variety of places in addition to this blog. Esperanto versions of this text follow the English-language text.

Jen rememorigilo pri mia dokumentado de ĉi tiu temaro diversloke interrete. Vi trovos la Esperantajn teksterojn post la anglalingvaj.

My blog Studies in a Dying Culture exists in two incarnations. I customarily refer only to individual posts or the first in a series in the older version, from the newer version or my various bibliographies and web guides, individual web pages, and newer blog posts. I have not posted relevant entries for some time in the current version. The relevant categories, in any case, are:

ars combinatoria
artificial languages
Jorge Luis Borges

You will also notice a number of entries on Marcelo Dascal. There are also stray references to Esperanto on that blog.

Mia anglalingva blogo Studies in a Dying Culture ekzistas en malnova, statika versio kaj aktuala dinamika formato. Ĝenerale oni trovos referencojn al individuaj afiŝoj aŭ al komenca afiŝo en serio en la malnova blogo. En la aktuala referencu la kategoriojn listitajn supre. Notu ankaŭ la afiŝojn pri filozofo Marcelo Dascal kaj kelkajn pri Esperanto.

My main bibliographies, web guides, and other main pages of relevance are / Jen miaj precipaj gvidiloj, bibliografiaj, kaj alispecaj retpaĝoj:

Also of relevance are these / Jen rilataj retpaĝoj:


Ars combinatoria in contemporary art & literary theory & practice

Here is a sampling of recent projects in the visual arts, literary creation, literary and cultural theory incorporating ideas from the legacy of the ars combinatoria.

Jen kolekteto de lastatempaj projektoj de arto, literaturo, kaj kulturteorio (per legaĵoj anglalingvaj) kiuj utiligas la intelektan heredaĵon de ars combinatoria.

Orderly disorder: post-human creativity
Dr. Rolf Hughes

On the 'death of the author', 'metacreation', emergence, creativity, complexity. Opposes the Romantic, creative individual to the ars combinatoria of these post-humanist conceptions.

Spring Cleaning: from Bad to Rotten Words Project
Lulú De Panbehchi
Ars Combinatoria Project, Dr. Artur Matuck
May 5th, 2009

Combining Llull, Oulipo, Lyotard, et al in the Internet environment.

On the Dissolution Through Sameness in Emptiness In: Decodierung:Recodierung, Triton Verlag Wien, 2000.
Toni Kleinlercher

On literary forms inspired by Llull, Leibniz, etc.

Between a Creative Scotland and a Cultural Scotland: Pat Kane chapter for 'Radical Scotland: Arguments for Self-Determination
Thoughtland (blog), 11 March 2011

On the question of "creative industries" in Scottish cultural policy. The ideas of Paulo Virno are referenced, apparently pertaining to the vacillation between indeterminate, chaotic nature of human experience and the retreat to stereotypical formulae, i.e. "reaction-halting behaviours, obsessive tics, the drastic impoverishments of the ars combinatoria".

Ars Combinatoria at Transmediale

Jonathan Gray, 7 February, 2011

Ars Combinatoria (Transmediale)

Inspired by Leibniz, "The Ars Combinatoria project is about creating new works with public domain or openly licensed images, sounds and texts. it was launched at Transmediale in 2011 by Jonathan Gray and Adam Green."

Leibniz’s Funny Thought
Jonathan Gray, 30 August, 2009

Inspired by Leibiz's conception of "knowledge theater". ". . . Leibniz’s idea for a ‘new sort of exhibition’ is laid out in a short piece from 1695 called Drôle de Pensée, or ‘a funny thought’, which was written after he saw a machine which ‘walked on water’ at an exhibition in Paris."

Ars Combinatoria
Jens Hoffmann

On the German artist John Bock.


Ars combinatoria, Ramón Llull, & surrealism

"Lully is surrealist in definition."

     — André Breton

First, a note in Esperanto, and then back to English.

"Llull estas surrealisma je dinifado." — André Breton

Mi ne scias ĝuste, kiuj surrealistoj aperas (traduke) en la Esperanta medio. Ekzistas tradukitaj du verkoj de rumano Gellu Naum: Patro mia laca kaj L’ekzakto de l’ombro. Cetere, mi konas nur vikipedierojn, plej gravaj ĉi-momente:

Manifesto de la Superrealismo (1924)
André Breton

Ekzistas almenaŭ kelkaj ligoj inter surrealistoj kaj ars combinatoria, notende Ramón Llull.

In my previous post on Jorge Luis Borges, I connected Borges, the ars combinatoria, and surrealism. As it happens, Breton lists Lull (spellings vary) as a surrealist predecessor at least as early as his Manifesto of Surrealism of 1924. Breton reiterates this in What is Surrealism? ("a lecture given in Brussels on 1st June 1934 at a public meeting organised by the Belgian Surrealists, and issued as a pamphlet immediately afterwards"). Aside: In 1934 you see Breton reiterating his earlier principles but now with a shift of emphasis and concern with the fascist threat.


Borges, Menard, Quixote, Ars Combinatoria

Iam mi devos verki ĉi-teme en Esperanto. Jen plu en la angla. Sed "Pierre Menard, aŭtoro de Donkiĥoto", "La Alefo", kaj "La Analiza Lingvo de John Wilkins"  troveblas en la antologio La Sekreta Miraklo. De Borges haveblas miabloge Hajkoj kaj Tankaoj, La Sudo, kaj La Biblioteko de Babelo. En Vikipedio vidu Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz kaj René Magritte.

Here is my latest piece on Jorge Luis Borges:

On “Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote” by Jorge Luis Borges, by Ralph Dumain

Here again we find several references and allusions to the ars combinatoria and to its limitations. See also my essay On “The Aleph” by Jorge Luis Borges: Observations and Questions. And of course there is my web guide:

Jorge Luis Borges: Selected Study Materials on the Web

The question of mechanical combinatorialism leads to more general considerations on the fruitfulness of juxtapositions, and to the evaluations of Borges and others on the theory and practice of surrealism. Note my links to René Magritte at the bottom of my web page. (See also René Magritte in Wikipedia, kaj en Vikipedio en Esperanto). See also my other links on juxtaposition, in art, fiction, and poetry.

Note this comment by Michael Theune in "Writing Degree ∞ (on Recent Haiku)", Pleiades Book Review, January 2008:

"Haiku has suffered more from Surrealism than from any other theory or aesthetic."

Theune has much more of interest to say.  He also refers to this web site:

Computerized Haiku

Magritte comes out as a positive in Theune's deliberations, which concern poetry in general, of which haiku provides just one telling form. This should enhance our appreciation of Borges' imaginative oeuvre.